CCA is an integral part of our pupils’ holistic education. Through CCA, pupils discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. CCA also promotes friendships among pupils from diverse backgrounds as they learn, play and grow together. Through CCA, pupils also develop a sense of identity and belonging to the school.
While CCA is not compulsory at the primary level, pupils are strongly encouraged to take part in CCA starting from Primary 3 onwards. In order to broaden their experiences and learn a wider range of skills, pupils may choose to take up another CCA if they are able to manage their commitments in school and there are no clashes with their existing CCA. Pupils are also encouraged to stay on in their allocated CCA for at least a year before deciding to move on to another CCA.
At Yangzheng Primary School, we offer a selection of CCA programmes that is consistent with the school’s mission and MOE’s policies. Our CCA programmes are grouped into four categories Performing Arts, Clubs, Sports and Uniformed Groups.
P2 CCA Experience
The school introduced this programme to inspire the joy of learning in our pupils, and to allow them to make an informed decision when signing up for a CCA in Primary 3. Primary 2 pupils will be given the opportunity to attend sessions organized by each CCA group to gain a better understanding about the CCA Experience in Yangzheng Primary. We hope that this will help the pupils to make an informed choice when he/she registers for CCA in Primary 3.
All CCA will be scheduled to carry out the experience programme for the Primary 2 pupils starting from Term 2 to Term 4 of each year
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
Is my child guaranteed a place in the CCA if he/she attends the P2 CCA Experience programme?
The main purpose of this programme is for the Primary 2 pupils to gain better understanding about the CCA and hopefully this will help them make an informed choice during the P3 CCA Registration exercise. Thus, it does not guarantee a place in the CCA for your child.
Will my child be allocated to his/her first choice CCA?
Pupils are allowed to indicate up to three CCAs of their preference. The school will try our best to allocate your child to one of the CCAs indicated in your child’s registration form.
If my child would like to leave/change CCA, when can he/she opts to do it?
From 2021 onwards, only the Primary 3 and 4 pupils may opt to leave/change their CCA based on the following schedule. Having said that, all pupils are strongly encourage to stay in the CCA allocated to them so as to continue develop their interest and/or talent in the CCA.
Primary 3 pupils
Week 7 and 8 of Term 4
Primary 4 pupils
Week 7 and 8 of Term 2