From the Singapore Ministry of Education
The central focus of the Mathematics curriculum is the development of mathematical problem-solving competency through the acquisition of Math concepts, skills and processes and the development of metacognition and positive attitudes towards learning.
Key Programmes and Activities
Key Programmes and Activities
| Levels
Sustained Support for Math (SSM)
| Primary 1 – 5
Solve N Learn
| Primary 1 – 5
Blended Learning in Math
| Primary 1 – 5
Math Games Day
| Primary 1 – 6
Sustained Support for Math (SSM)
The SSM programme aims to engage learners in the learning and mastery of essential Mathematics concepts using Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach. There are a lot of hands-on activities infused in daily lessons to aid in the understanding of Mathematics concepts. This will give the students a strong foundation when they learn how to apply these concepts in problem solving.
Hands-on activities to build concepts for topics such as “Shapes”, “Multiplication”, “Fractions” etc.
Solve N Learn
The Solve N Learn programme aims to encourage self-directed and collaborative learning, which are both 21CC skills. Pupils will do problem posing via the SLS platform. Their peers and teachers will give them feedback to improve learning.
Solve N Learn entries are put up on SLS as part of Home-Based Learning packages.
Blended Learning in Math
Blended learning in Math aims to encourage self-directed and collaborative learning, through authentic tasks. Pupils will “visit” different parts of Singapore and apply their Math knowledge to solve real-life problems.
Application of Math knowledge to solve real-life problems
Math Games Day
Mathematics Games Day is organised for Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils in each semester to make learning fun. The pupils will play different types of Math games to reinforce the Math concepts learnt. This will help shape positive attitudes in pupils.
Pupils having fun during Math Games Day